Monday, December 22, 2014

VICTORIA GERZEN – spectacular ‘Indian’ photoshoot

VICTORIA GERZEN – spectacular ‘Indian’ photoshoot

This intriguing photos shot by Dirk Franke - the top Miami photographer - made me think about Indian summer and late summer heat. Now I explain what I mean.

During the mid summer time we usually think about the sun, sea and bright colors. Once the summer heat becomes less, we imagine gorgeous sunsets, pure but sandy colors of the cloths, soft wooden tones and maybe the rich taste of California red wine in the hand while enjoying the sunset and the dark sunny tones on the terrace of your summer house somewhere on the ocean coast .. Not bad, ha?
Dirk Franke and beautiful young model Victoria Gerzen created this atmosphere and opened it to the fullest.
When I see this wooden arm-chair, dark-sand color of the dress, naked legs ..I feel pushed into this superficial charm of the image I described. 
Even this black stripes choosen by the stylist as the part of accessory on Victoria’s head and hand serves this mission – to bring the ‘Indian’ accent to the total look of so-called Indian Summer.
Victoria’s make-up and the dark color of her skin also turn me to the Indian way of thinking….. 
Additionally I wish to express my appreciation to photographer Dirk Franke, model Victoria Gerzen, the stylist and the whole team for the total look of the model. We know that Victoria Gerzen is a blonde-haired model, rather sportive and athletic than ‘brunette Indian girl’ is supposed to look. 
But in this shoot we see totally different image and I must say that it looks really gorgeous. I see and feel the energy in Victoria’s eyes, her eyes look very concentrated, making the whole look stronger. 
Victoria looks directly into my soul. I don’t see the ‘doll’ in her on these photos. And she doesn’t look like the girl-next-door or a swim-wear model, Victoria Gerzen looks at me the way I can’t stop looking at her. 
And even when I close my eyes – I still see those strong Asian eyes of Victoria Gerzen and remember this image. 

I feel excitement and complete appreciation to the team for this extraordinary unforgettable image. I gladly share it with you, friends